Online teaching: A rich pedagogical approach

Contributors: Catherine Braithwaite – History, Chantale Giguère – French,
Daniel Goldsmith – Humanities, Selma Hamdani – Psychology, Reisa Levine – Cinema-Communications
Posted on: Academic Matters: Communicate – Connect – Collaborate (Dawson College Publication)
Date: Sept 2019

The E-learning Fellows group met regularly during the winter 2019 semester to reflect on online pedagogy and explore tools to develop and implement online activities. Although we started only a few months ago, we would like to share some of our reflections and experiences, as well as clarify some aspects of online teaching at Dawson.

Definitions – What do we mean by an online course? While a variety of definitions coexist in different education systems, here are a few basic ones that we use at Dawson.

  • An online lesson is one that is conducted entirely online and can take one of two forms: synchronous or asynchronous.
  • Synchronous lessons occur in real time, on a web conferencing platform, during the scheduled course time.
  • With asynchronous lessons, videos and other learning materials are posted online and students can complete them whenever they choose, within a specified time frame. A good asynchronous lesson includes both online activities and interaction requirements, to ensure that students fulfill course competencies individually or in groups.

Giving an online course does not mean that the students are not communicating with each other.
Nor does it mean that the teacher is not there to explain, help, evaluate, answer and guide. 

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(Text source: Academic Matters, Sept 2019)