Webinars and talks Early Career Teacher Sessions

ECT Winter 2025: Play your way Toward Teaching Transversal Skills!

April 16, 2025 | 12:00 - 1:15 PM Virtual

About this event

Art and wellness activities can and should exist within course objectives. They contribute to the transversal/soft-skill development that students need more than ever for employability, conscientious citizenship, physical and mental wellbeing, and so much more. Join us, as both a creative-arts and physical education teacher share examples of activities that could find a home within any discipline–be it as an icebreaker or for deeper comprehensive learning goals, as well as your own personal toolkit.

Objective: Integrate wellness- and creativity-focused activities to support student success (moderated by Heritage College and Vanier)


Natasha Stobert (Heritage) & Colleen Ayoup (Vanier)

Natasha Stobert (Heritage) & Colleen Ayoup (Vanier)

Additional information

Vanier College
Free and Open to all Colleges and Universities
Please note

All sessions are on MS Teams except the last one (Nature Pedagogy).
Sessions are open to EVERYONE, whether you are a new/early-career teacher or simply interested in the session topic