
Since 2010, Writing in the Disciplines (WID) at Dawson College has been offering support for curricular and pedagogical innovations in writing, critical thinking and active learning. This support takes several forms. Each year, the Faculty Writing Fellows program unites 5-6 instructors from different departments and programs in an exploration and discussion of the scholarly literature touching on writing and critical thinking in their fields. WID also supports an annual department or program-based project, in which a faculty team develops new discipline-specific approaches, resources or tools that can be deployed at the program level.

Ninety teachers have …

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Since 2010, Writing in the Disciplines (WID) at Dawson College has been offering support for curricular and pedagogical innovations in writing, critical thinking and active learning. This support takes several forms. Each year, the Faculty Writing Fellows program unites 5-6 instructors from different departments and programs in an exploration and discussion of the scholarly literature touching on writing and critical thinking in their fields. WID also supports an annual department or program-based project, in which a faculty team develops new discipline-specific approaches, resources or tools that can be deployed at the program level.

Ninety teachers have now participated in the Faculty Writing Fellows; Department and Program Projects number ten and eleven are now underway; and hundreds of teachers have participated in the WID Spring Institute and WID workshops.


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More about WID

WID Teaching Portfolios

Browse portfolios of Fellows alumni

WID Teaching Portfolios (various disciplines) – Anthropology, Cinema and Communications, Bio-Medical Laboratory Technology, Biology and more.

Past Fellows “graduation” workshops

The WID Writing Fellowship culminates with a “graduation” workshop. See below for our past Fellows workshops, plus other workshops we’ve given in the last few years.

Department & Program Projects

Each Fall, Writing in the Disciplines at Dawson supports one or two department and program-based projects focused on writing, critical thinking and active learning in the disciplines.  Building on the college-wide presence of WID Writing Fellows and our regular workshops, these projects provide WID support for innovations in instructional and curricular design.


Ian MacKenzie

Ian MacKenzie

Dawson College, Montreal

For more information contact:

Jeffrey Gandell (Co-coordinator) 

  • Project Lead, Writing in the Disciplines at Dawson
  • 3D.3-1, ext.4980
  • jgandell@dawsoncollege.qc.ca

Main website – Writing in the Disciplines at Dawson College