
Effie Konstantinopoulos

SALTISE Contributor

Dawson College, Montreal

Pedagogical Counsellor, Student AccessAbility Centre

Education and background
Education and background

Master of Education in Educational Psychology, McGill University 1999

Inclusive Education

  • Research Topic: Perspective Taking Ability and Conflict Resolution Strategies of Students with Developmental Disabilities
  • Poster Presentation: Special Education World Congress 2000, Vancouver, Canada

Baccalaureate in Arts, Specialization in Psychology, Concordia University 1997

  • Research Topic: The Effect of Order of Approximation on Time to Successfully Complete a Letter Identification Task Among Female English Speakers

UDL, Inclusive Pedagogy, Students with disabilities and special needs.

Areas of interest:

Universal Design for Learning, Inclusive Pedagogy, French as second Language, Accessibility, Engagement, Inclusion, Students with disabilities/special needs, French as second language


Delve into the realm of inclusion: a UDL journey. Authors: Laure Galipeau, Effie Konstantinopoulos, Catherine Soleil, Source : Academic Matters, Year : 2019 

La CUA, un modèle pédagogique efficace qui favorisel’inclusion! Authors Laure Galipeau, Effie Konstantinopoulos, Catherine Soleil Source Centre de documentation collégiale, Year 2018


PAREA Grant (2014-2017)
Impact des applications en salle de classe de la conception universelle de l’apprentissage sur le français écrit en français langue seconde ((PAREA – Programme d’aide à la recherche sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage program of the Quebec Ministry of Education). Lien :