Education and background
M.Eng., Aerospace Engineering, École Polytechnique, Montreal, QC
B.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, QC
Since 2008, Greg has been involved in developing, implementing and promoting Active Learning pedagogy, and has shared his work at conferences including STLHE, CBIE, AQPC, SALTISE, along with talks, webinars and EdTech days across the CEGEP community. Greg helps lead the Active Learning Community of Practice at John Abbott where faculty and staff from a wide variety of disciplines meet to share their ideas and experiences. Greg has also been instrumental in the development of the college’s blended learning guidelines, its inclusion into the college’s IPESA, and the formation of the Blended Learning Community of Practice, which Greg also helps lead.
- Active Learning Community of Practice at John Abbott College
Greg has been instrumental in launching John Abbott’s first Active Learning Classroom, and has pioneered some technical workarounds in this classroom so that his students can truly collaborate.
- Blended Learning Community of Practice at John Abbott College
Greg is also a member of the Blended Learning Community of Practice, and has played an important role in developing the College’s guidelines on this method of integrating technology and online learning into traditional courses.
- Pedagogical Use of New Technologies at John Abbott College
As a member of John Abbott’s PUNT (Pedagogical Use of New Technologies) committee, a sub-committee of Academic Council, Greg works to promote these Active Learning and Blended Learning initiatives throughout the college, as well as ensuring that students and faculty have access to reliable and innovative technologies at the college.