Gregor Kos

Gregor Kos

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Concordia University, Montreal

Faculty Lecturer

Education and background
Education and background

Research interests

I am an environmental analytical scientist with a strong background in statistical analysis of observational data. I also employ molecular modelling to understand tropospheric photochemical reactions, especially in an urban air quality context. I have significant field experience in developing and deploying analytical instrumentation in the High Arctic.

I am interested in statistical analysis of medium sized data sets (up to 500,000 observations), including multivariate data analysis of partially dichotomous data. I am very much interested interpreting measurement data for the application and validation of atmospheric chemistry models. My main statistical tools for data analysis are Matlab and R.

My current research focuses on long-term observations of urban pollutants in major Canadian cities. The research is comprised of  statistical analysis of 10  year pollution data in Matlab and R.

I also perform multivariate modelling of mid-infrared data for classification of contaminated agricultural commodities. In collaboration with Université Laval I also work on Risk Assessment Modeling for food allergens such as milk protein using Monte-Carlo simulations.

Previously, I was a lead author and chapter coordinator for the Canadian Mercury Science Assessment for the “Emissions” Chapter. I have also conducted a statistical evaluation of gaseous and reactive mercury species data from observations and model results. All mercury work was done in collaboration with Environment Canada.

During field studies in the High Arctic (in Alert, NU and Barrow, AK), I investigated the exchange of volatile organic compounds between snow and air using GC-FID and GC-MS.


Postdoctoral studies (2003-2007), McGill University, Montreal, QC (Prof. Parisa Ariya)

PhD (2003), Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria (Prof. Rudolf Krska)

Visiting scientist (2001), University of Idaho, Moscow, ID (Prof. Peter Griffiths)

MSc (2000), Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

MSc research (1999-2000), University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK (Prof. Paul Worsfold)



STEM Chemistry

This Field Day of Mine