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CourseFlow is a dynamic app designed to revolutionize instructional planning across three critical educational tiers: activity, course, and program levels.

  • Course Level: ideal for instructors seeking a comprehensive overview, this level enables the creation of visual maps illustrating lesson plans and semester-long course outlines. Delve into an example like Managing Vascular & Respiratory Conditions for a detailed course workflow.
  • Program Level: serving as a robust curriculum design tool, CourseFlow assists in tracking competencies and outcomes. Witness its application in the Physiotherapy Technology Program (Demo) as a prime workflow example.

Self directed tutorials

Download and explore our Self-Directed Tutorials for detailed step-by-step guides meant to assist you in using CourseFlow effectively across its different levels – Activity, Course, or Program. These tutorials aim to empower users to navigate and utilize CourseFlow on their own. However, if you still need help after using them, email us at and schedule a one-on-one session with one of our CourseFlow experts.

Accessing CourseFlow

Already have a CourseFlow/myDALITE account?
Reminder:  If you are an instructor, pedagogy counselor or curriculum developer select Teacher and have your username and password ready.
Log in here
New to CourseFlow? You will need to register and create a myDalite account
Sign up and register here

Need help?

If you are already a CourseFlow user and are looking for help, please visit our help desk.

Interested in learning more and/or trying out CourseFlow?

We are accepting applications for pilots of the tool with your program revision and auditing efforts. Email us to book a demonstration or request more information.

Our experts

Cathy Roy

Cathy Roy

Dawson College, Montreal

Jean-François Brière

Jean-François Brière

Dawson College, Montreal