At a Glance


  • Applied arts

Instructional Level

  • College & CEGEP
  • University


  • Interior Design

Tasks in Workflow

Social Plane(s)

  • Individual
  • Group
  • Whole Class

Type of Tasks

  • Collecting & seeking information
  • Discussing
  • Analyzing
  • Reading
  • Taking a quiz & test

Technical Details

Useful Technologies

  • Laptops
  • SMART Amp or similar platform


  • Single class period (< 90 mins)

Instructional Purpose

  • Assessment & knowledge refinement
  • Consolidation & metacognition


In this activity, students works as a class to create a time ripple concept map showing the connections between the designs of different furniture pieces over time, influenced by various factors such as geography, lifestyle, and economy.

Students begin by choosing a piece of furniture from a folder generated by the instructor. Students then research that piece of furniture and write a 1-2 paragraph summary that includes the information outlined in the Time_Ripple_Student_Instructions PDF. Students bring this information to class, and for low-tech classrooms, they also bring a colour image (2″ x 2″) of their chosen piece of furniture.

In class, students will work on either a white board (low-tech classroom) or on SMART Amp to create a concept map that includes all the pieces of furniture from the online folder. Students will place each piece of furniture onto the concept map depending on its time period, geography, etc. Students must discuss their reasoning for placing a piece of furniture at a given place/time on the concept map.
Once all the pieces of furniture have been placed on the map and discussed, students perform a short quiz to emphasize key concepts learned from the activity.

Throughout the rest of the semester, additional pieces (furniture and architectural) are added to the map. The map can be used as a study tool by students for the final exam.

Instructional Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Identify connections between pieces of furniture based on their styles and or location on the time ripple map
  • Identify patterns of styles and correctly predict where additional pieces of furniture might fit into the map
  • Explain the influences of various factors (geography, economy, etc.) on design style

Workflow & Materials


Activity Workflow

View on CourseFlow

Contributor's Notes

Leigh Barnett Shapiro

Leigh Barnett Shapiro

Dawson College, Montreal


This in-class activity helps with student retention of the material. Providing it as a study tool for final assessment also motivates the students to fill in the time ripple map with attention and detailed notes.

This activity works in both high-tech and low-tech classrooms.


Some students are resistant to using SMART Amp.


Using SMART Amp in class rather than outside of class can help some students be less resistant to using the platform since the instructor is readily available to help them with it.

Applied Strategies


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