Claire Trottier

Claire Trottier

SALTISE Contributor

McGill University, Montreal


Education and background
Education and background

Ph.D., Microbiology and Immunology, McGill University, Montreal, QC

B.Sc., Microbiology and Immunology, McGill University, Montreal, QC


I use active learning approaches in my own teaching, and have experience implementation AL approaches in other classes in my Department.


I am guiding curriculum reform in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at McGill, where I have lead the implementation of active learning approaches in the classroom and laboratory setting. These changes are taking place at the course level by working with individual professors, by examining the curriculum as a while, by consulting with students, and by working to achieve consensus as a Department.

  1. MIMM Undergraduate Program Redesign
    We are currently planning a Departmental Faculty teaching retreat following a curriculum mapping exercise and several course redesigns. This retreat will determine the next important phase of curriculum reform in our Department.
  2. Faculty Development
    I lead and/or contribute to the development and delivery of Departmental and Faculty-wide workshops on teaching & learning. I also participate in several working group and meetings with the aim of building capacity in active learning and student-centered approaches to teaching and learning.
  3. Teaching spaces in the biomedical sciences
    I was recently asked to co-chair a committee to evaluate the teaching space needs of the basics science Departments in the Faculty of Medicine, and to make some recommendations on future needs.

Maude Abbott Prize 2019 (McGill University)

2018 SALTISE Conference

SALTISE Innovator Best Practices & Pedagogical Innovators Award

2018 SALTISE Conference